Flowers for Every Occasion
Meet the team that will fulfill your floral needs. Whether you are a DIY Bride looking to make your own bouquets, a party planner wanting to set up a fun Bloom Bar at a special event or a crafter looking for dried lavender bundles or dried floral for your next project, we've got you covered!
Our Start
Meet the Staff
Unlikely Farmers
We started out about as far from farming as you could get.
My background was in financial management and psychology, and I was a corporate HR Director for
over ten years.
Mark's background was in electrical engineering and production planning and he was a Manufacturing Manager for over 26 years.
When the company we both worked for was purchased, we found ourselves in a position where we could move in a new direction.
I studied the healing arts, delving into hypnotherapy, Reiki, coaching, Horticultural Therapy and plant sciences.
Mark pursued his love of fine woodworking.
Both of us utilized our business acumen and training to develop a lifestyle business that educates and inspires
So with a nod to Max Yasgur (think 1960's Woodstock) and to our beloved Daschund, Maxwell, Max's Farm was named and a new journey began.
Coach. Teacher. Healer. Princess of Posies. Passionate about all things green. Driven by possibility. A little nutty. Empowering others is her superpower.

Laurie Charpentier, CEC, CHT

Plant whisperer. Engineer. Woodcraft Artisan. King of order. Passionate about music. Driven by excellence. A little edgy. Music Lover. Organization is his superpower.
Mark Charpentier
Maxwell, AKA "Max". Namesake of the farm. Prince of the pasture. Champion rabbit chaser. Once barked for three hours at a melon (thought it was a turtle....) Tenacity is his superpower.

Diesel Dog, AKA, "Dee". Max's sister (yes, they are litter mates!) Alert dog for the farm. OSHA safety dog. Babysitter. Once stood beside her brother barking at that same melon for three hours. Protection is her superpower.